DNP (Distributed Network Protocol) is for data and information exchange between SCADA (Master) and IEDs
(Intelligent Electronic Devices). The DNP protocol has been developed in first releases for serial communication. Due to
further development of the DNP protocol, it offers now also TCP and UDP communication options via Ethernet.
DNP Device Planning
Depending on the hardware of the proctective device up to three DNP communication options are available within the
Device Planning.
Call up the device planning menu.
Select (depending on device code) the appropriate SCADA Protocol.
DNP3 RTU (via serial Port)
DNP3 TCP (via Ethernet)
DNP3 UDP (via Ethernet)
DNP Protocol General Settings
Please note that unsolicited reporting is not available for serial
communication, if more than one slave is connected to the serial
communication (collisions). Do not use in these cases unsolicited reporting
for DNP RTU.
Unsolicited reporting is available also for serial communication, if each
is connected via a separated connection to the Master-System. That means,
the master is equipped with a separate serial interface for each slave (multi
serial cards).
Call up menu [Device Para/DNP3/Communication].
The Communication (General Settings) Settings have to be set according to the needs of the Communication Master –
Self Addressing is available for DNP-TCP. That means that the Master and Slave id are auto-detected.