Switchgear Wear
Switchgear Wear Features
The sum of the accumulated interrupted currents.
A »SGwear Slow Switchgear
might indicate malfunction at an early stage.
The protective relay will calculate the »SG OPEN Capacity
continuously. 100% means, that switchgear maintenance is
mandatory now.
The protective relay will make a alarm decision based on the curve that the user provides.
The relay will monitor the frequency of CLOSE/OPEN cycles. The User can set thresholds for the maximum allowed
sum of interrupt currents and the maximum allowed sum of interrupt currents per hour. By means of this alarm,
excessive switchgear operations can be detected at an early stage.
Slow Switchgear Alarm
An increase of the close or opening time of the switchgear is an indication for the maintenance need. If the measured
time exceeds the time »
t-Move OPEN« or »t-Move CLOSE«, the signal »
SGwear Slow Switchgear
« will be activated.