59M - Overvoltage Protection
Available elements:
59M[1] ,59M[2]
M is for “Main” referring to protection metered by the Main Voltage transformer in the
System Configuration.
All elements are identically structured.
Definition of Vn: Vn is dependent on the System Parameter setting of "Main VT con".
In case that within the System Parameters "Main VT con" is set to "Open-Delta":
Main VT sec
In case that "Main VT con" is set to "Wye":
MainVT sec
This is the
59 device Overvoltage setting for the Main VT. This element consists of a Phase, a Pickup, and a Delay
setting. The Phase setting allows the User to select which phase (any one, any two, or all) the Overvoltage function
operates. Depending on the settings within the System Parameters, the element works based on phase-to-phase
Open-Delta«) or phase-to-ground (»wye«) voltages. This element will operate depending on the phase setting: if any
one, any two, or all of the voltage(s) that is/are selected by the Phase setting rise(s) above the set point. This element
works based on True RMS values.
An overvoltage pickup occurs when the measured voltage rises above the overvoltage Threshold setting. The
overvoltage trip is set when the voltage stays above the threshold setting for the delay time specified (within the number
of phases specified by the phase setting).. The overvoltage pickup and trip is reset when the voltage falls below the
dropout ratio specified in Specifications section for the overvoltage protection.