4 Short-circuit / motor protection
4.2 Motor protection
EMS2… Electronic motor starter
10/19 MN034003EN
4.2.3 Conditions when setting the motor protection
Ensure that the following conditions are met when setting the motor protec-
tion or when displaying the set value:
The device is supplied with voltage.
There are no errors.
There is no start signal on the terminals ON, L or R.
4.2.4 Setting of the motor protection
Activating parameterization mode
Press the RESET button for at least 6 seconds.
The green
LED flashes once.
Setting the motor rated current
Turn the potentiometer to the desired value.
Checking the value on the LEDs
Compare the set value with that which is displayed on the
LEDs (
Leaving parameterization mode
Press the RESET button.
Press 6 sec
or QR code
Press > 1 sec