Power Xpert
9395P-900 Installation and Operation Manual 164000501—Rev 12
FFiieelldd IInnssttaalllleedd U
A Field Installed UPM (FI-UPM) provides upgradability for the Power Xpert 9395P-600 Two UPM UPS. The FI-
UPM may be installed at any time in the future when power needs change. The module cabinet is installed on
the left side of the ISBM section and is wired directly to the UPS. No input or output wiring changes are needed
for a capacity increase if the original installation was wired for increased capacity. Operation remains the same
as the original UPS.
Refer to the
Power Xpert
9395P UPS Field Installed UPM Mechanical Installation Manual (P-
for specifics on the FI-UPM usage with the 9395P-600.
Syynncc C
An optional Power Xpert 9395P-600 Sync Control maintains the critical load outputs of two separate single
module 9395P-900 UPS systems in synchronization. This option facilitates the uninterrupted transfer of the
load from one load bus to another by means of transfer switches. The Sync Control is housed in a wall-
mounted panel that can be located between the UPS units for easy wiring.
Refer to the
Power Xpert
9395P Sync Control Installation and Operation Manual (P-164000502)
specifics on battery cabinet usage with the 9395P-600.
Siinnggllee--FFeeeedd K
An optional kit is available for converting the dual-feed rectifier and bypass inputs to a single-feed configuration.
The kit consists of jumpers and bus bar extensions for each phase, and the hardware required for installation.
Refer to the
Power Xpert
9395/9395P UPS (1000.1200 kVA) Single.Feed Kit Installation Instructions
) manual for installation instructions.
Diissttrriibbuutteedd B
Byyppaassss S
There are two types of redundancy: UPS based (based on the number of UPSs) and UPM based (based on the
number of UPMs).
All UPSs in the distributed bypass system must contain the same number of UPMs.
Mixed UPS kVA ratings are not permitted.
A distributed bypass UPS system can be installed to provide a capacity and/or redundant system. This load
sharing system provides more capacity than a single UPS, and can provide backup, depending on the load and
configuration. In addition, when one UPM is taken out of service for maintenance or is not operating properly, a
redundant UPM continues to supply uninterrupted power to the critical load. A Hot Sync Controller Area
Network (CAN) Bridge Card provides connectivity and operational mode control.
The tie cabinet is provided by the customer and must contain Module Output Breakers (MOBs) with dual
auxiliary contacts for control of the system. Without dual auxiliary MOBs, UPMs are not allowed to go to
bypass individually during servicing. All UPMs will go to bypass instead of just the UPM needing service,
decreasing critical load protection. With dual auxiliary MOBs, one UPM can be bypassed while the remaining
UPMs support the load as long as the remaining UPMs have the capacity to do so.
IInnppuutt O
Ouuttppuutt M
Moodduullee C
The UPS can be supplied in an Input Output Module (IOM) configuration without the bypass input connections,
the static switch, and the backfeed protection contactor. This configuration is primarily used in multiple UPS
parallel systems that do not need a bypass for each UPS and use a separate System Bypass Module (SBM) to
provide system bypass capabilities.
Coonnttiinnuuoouuss S
Sttaattiicc S
A continuous static switch is used to provide transfer of the load from the inverter to the bypass source in the
event the inverter become unavailable.