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With a wide range of acceptable input voltages, this UPS does 
not depend on batteries to smooth out power fluctuations. 
Batteries are conserved for those times when utility power 
is highly unstable or completely out. If an outage occurs, the 
9135 transfers to battery with no break in power, making this 
an ideal UPS for equipment sensitive to voltage fluctuations.

More power in less space

High power density.

 The 9135 increases power density, deliv-

ering 6000 VA/4200W in only 3U of rack space, freeing more 
rack space for IT and telecom equipments. Rail kits and tower 
pedestals are included with every 9135 for flexible installation.

This UPS is even more user-friendly than its predecessors 
offering greater distribution capabilities, with eight IEC 10A 
& two IEC 16A outlets to power multiple pieces of equipment 
without a PDU.

You can combine the 9135 with an Eaton enclosure PDU (ePDU™) 
to power an entire rack of equipment from a single power cord 
input. ePDU outlets can be monitored, switched, sequenced 
and managed individually, providing maximum flexibility in 
distributing power from the 9135.

Maximum availability for critical systems

Battery runtime for minutes or hours. 

During a power outage, 

internal batteries in the 9135 keep loads running long enough 
to gracefully shut down systems. Add up to four external bat-
tery modules (EBMs) to deliver more than an hour of extended 
runtime at full load—or hours under lighter loads. Each EBM 
occupies only 3U of rack space. These battery modules are 
hot-swappable and can be replaced at any time without inter-
rupting UPS operation and load protection. 

Maximum battery runtime for critical equipments. 


power management software enables independent control of 
load segments. With this feature, you can manage scheduled 
shutdowns and sequential startups of protected loads. During 
a power outage, you could shut down power to less essential 
loads to extend battery backup time for more critical devices.

When the load segments feature is used with optional Connect 
UPS-MS connectivity cards, users can remotely re-boot lock-
ed-up network equipment. Simply access the ConnectUPS-MS 
card over the network, and toggle the password-protected 
load segment controller to get your network back online.

Service without downtime.


The 9135 features hot-swappable 

components and an automatic internal bypass. The UPS auto-
matically switches to an alternate power path within the unit 
if it senses a trouble condition with an internal component. 
Users can even remove and replace the battery and power 
modules without powering down the UPS or interrupting po-
wer to loads.

ConnectUPS-MS Network Management Card web interface

Rack model and EBM installation

Hot swappable batteries

Load segments


Eaton 9135 UPS
