Web page programming
PRC-E Series Instruction Manual
MN014003EN August 2015 www.eaton.com
Remove a controllable circuit breaker from a group
Click the checkbox beside the selected circuit breaker(s)
to remove the checkmark to unassociate the controllable
circuit breaker(s) from the group.
The change in the number of circuit breakers associated will
be displayed at the top of the Web page.
Associating an input with a group
An Input can be associated to a group to control it “ON”
and “OFF”. This action, in turn, commands all of the
controllable circuit breakers associated with that particular
group “ON” and “OFF”. There are 16 inputs available for
associations; 8 digital inputs and 8 universal inputs. An input
can be associated with a single group or multiple groups.
Click the “Associate Inputs” button in the “Groups”
Web page.
The lower pane of the Web page will display the setup
screen for the input for the selected group.
Click the radio button of the type of input.
Click the “Input” textbox to open the dropdown list of
digital and universal inputs.
Scroll through and click to choose the two-wire input
connected to the controller.
The “Time Delay” is a time value set for the group when
the switch is activated. After the timer delay expires, the
group will be commanded “OFF”. For example, if the time
delay is set for 10 minutes, when the input is closed the
group will turn “ON”, then, when the time delay reaches 0
the group will turn “OFF”. For “Maintained” type switches,
it does not matter that the switch remains closed; the group
will turn OFF after the time delay expires. The Time Delay
limit is 7 hours and 59 minutes.
To set a time delay, click the hours textbox.
This opens the box for editing.
Input the number of hours for the time delay.
Click the “Minutes” textbox.
This opens the box for editing.
Input the number of minutes for the time delay.
Creating time schedules
Schedules are ON/OFF actions programmed to control
points within the Pow-R-Command system. A point can be
a flag, controllable circuit breaker, or group. The schedule
can be by the day-of-the-week, time-of-day, the date, and/or
astro time. This can be done as a one time day/date entry, a
daily or weekly action, or a one-shot On or Off event.