Publication Number AD05006002E
Page 1
Application of SmartWire-DT®
How to use SmartWire-DT on EtherNet/IP® and
Modbus TCP
The EU5C-SWD-EIP-MODTCP Ethernet to SmartWire-DT gateway supports
both EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP Ethernet protocols. This allows any
EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP master to fully control and monitor all devices on the
SmartWire-DT network. Devices that may be connected to SmartWire-DT include
XT contactors and starters, M22 pushbuttons and pilot devices and digital and
analog input and output modules. SmartWire-DT dramatically reduces wiring time
reduces panel complexity by consolidating complex circuit wiring into a
single, durable 8-pole cable.
The purpose of this application note is to demonstrate how to configure a
SmartWire-DT system and how to set up an Ethernet master to control and
monitor all devices on that SmartWire-DT system. A Rockwell® CompactLogix®
controller will be used to demonstrate EtherNet/IP connectivity to SmartWire-DT
and an Eaton ELC-PV controller with Modbus TCP Ethernet master will be used
to demonstrate Modbus TCP connectivity to SmartWire-DT. XT starters and M22
pushbuttons and pilot devices will be connected to the SmartWire-DT network.
Configuring the SmartWire-DT System using SWD-Assist®
SWD-Assist is a software tool for configuring a SmartWire-DT system. This
software allows the user to fully build and configure a system offline without any
hardware present; then download to the system once the hardware is in place.
Or, connect the software to a wired and powered SmartWire-DT system and use
the auto-configuration feature to map the data for all connected devices into the
SmartWire-DT Ethernet gateway (EU5C-SWD-EIP-MODTCP).