RADIUS Series Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of an EAW RADIUS loudspeaker. With proper operation and care, this EAW product will provide
many years of service and reliability.
In addition to offering renowned EAW fidelity at any output level, we are confident that RADIUS will drastically change the way you
use your sound system, saving you time, effort, money and frustration and delivering superior results. The below chart contrasts the
process of getting RADIUS show-ready in comparison to a ‘conventional’sound system, illustrating the tremendous time savings and
simplification, whether for permanent installation or portable applications.
Step Conventional Sound System
Bring equipment into space.
Bring equipment into space.
Connect audio cabling.
Connect power and network.
Verify each loudspeaker works and that cabling is not
faulty (level shift or polarity inversion).
Not necessary.
Troubleshoot any issues found in step #3.
Set up measurement system.
Take measurements of system. Equlize. Repeat until
system is ‘tuned’.
Open Mosaic. Detect system online, select voicing and
run OptiLogic. Make any adjustments to taste.
Use system.
Use system.
This document provides basic guidance and operating instructions for using the system. The user is encouraged to utilize EAWmosaic and
Resolution to explore the range of possibilities that RADIUS can provide for their application. Additionally, this manual and the EAWmosaic
Help File are frequently updated with new and beneficial information, so check back often.
Enjoy the use of your RADIUS system!