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The current remaining usage time can always be reviewed via the eBlocker icon and the controlbar.
It’s also possible to end internet usage via the controlbar in order to spare the remaining Internet
usage time
(e.g, see above: “Remaining time: 39 minutes”):
The Internet access is also automatically deactivated after a few minutes, when there are no Internet
connections seen by the eBlocker. This also helps to consume the daily Internet usage time in a
flexible and meaningful way.
8.2.14 What happens if the internet access is denied?
When Internet access is denied, while using an Internet browser, one of the following messages is
displayed depending on the reason for blocking the Internet access. This message is displayed in
order to make it clear why the Internet access was denied.
Please note that other applications and apps may not function as expected and may display
unspecific error messages, when the Internet connection is blocked. Displaying a corresponding
message by the eBlocker is in most cases not possible with such applications.
Restriction through category filter:
If access to a site has been disabled due to a site category filter, the user will see the following
message from the eBlocker instead of the desired site: