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Ope ra tor’s  In struc tions

Use  Ec co  gen u ine  parts  and  ac ces so ries  on ly  for best 
func tion  and  safe ty.

Be fore start ing, read through


all  in struc tions 

care ful ly.

The high vel o ci ty flow of ma te ri al through ho ses and nozz les 
may de ve lop sta tic elec tri ci ty.  Be  su re  that  the  equ ip ment, 
object being spray ed, spray booth, paint and was te con tai ner  
are  pro per ly  groun ded  to  pre vent  sta tic  di schar ge  orsparks. 
Check  the  elec tri cal  re sis tan ce  of  the  high  pres su re paint  
ho se  re gu la ry.  The  ope ra tor  is  nor mal ly  con nec ted  to  earth 
through the spray gun.   



As the equipment works under very high pres su re the  
ut most care must be observed during the work. Bearing this 
in  mind, never aim the spray gun at a person or towards any 
part of  the bo dy In the event of personal injury caused by the  
spray ing pressure, immediate medical attention is essential. 
Before  carrying out any adjustment or repair, the equipment 
must be wit ched off and the paint pres su re re li e ved.


If  the gun does not work satisfactorily it must on no ac count be 
used. Repair or replace it immediately.

Im por tant

Do not use halogenated hydrocarbons in coating ap pli ca tion 
equipment where aluminium or gal va ni zed parts come  
in contact with the solvent or coating ma te ri al.  
Ha log en at ed  hydrocarbons  e.g.  1,1,1-thri chlo ro et ha ne  and  
methylene chloride react, violently with such parts, causing 
corrosion and dan ger for ex plo sion.


65135 F56

Ecco 320A

Dimension in mm.

Optional equipment

65130 F308





Part num ber   

Qty       De scrip tion


6003 6565 00    1     Nipple 

31    6803 3077 00    1      Edge filter, slot width 0.127 mm (0.005”) 




   Suitable for tips with equivaent oriffice    




   diameteter = 0.279 – 0.457 mm  





   (0.011” – 0.018”) 

31   6803 3078 00    1      Edge filter, slot width 0.229 mm (0.009”) 




   Suitable for tips with equivaent oriffice    




   diameteter = 0.483 mm 




   (0.019”) and larger











