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(4) Loosen hex. nut 50 (6004 0330 34), then replace the air seat 18 (6004 0330 83), tappet 14
(6004 0330 69), packing 17 (6004 0330 82), needle set 11(6004 0330 99) and O-ring 37
(0663 9301 00).
*For LP6000W, 63, 64 65 and 66 are changed to 62, 63, 64 and 65, respectively.
(5) Insert a hex wrench from the rear side and remove the guide 8(6004 0330 98). If it is difficult
because of s paint accumulation, push it out from the material seat side with a hex wrench.
The hexagonal bar wrench of 5cm is required for this operation.
When removing the guide, or replacing the packing 9 (6004 0330 65), replace with the
packing set (6004 0330 81).
In addition, when assembling the packing set, set the tip upward so as to prevent the
packing from being taken out.
(6) When assembling these parts, adjust the total length from the front end of the material
needle to rod end at approximately 163mm. Some additional adjustment will be necessary
due to wear on the seat, etc.