1. The scale should be placed on a fl at, hard and stable surface.
2. If you prefer using a measuring cup, or another bowl, place it on the
scale before switching on.
3. Pressing
button will activate the weighing mode, wait until “0”
is shown on the LCD display.
4. Place the food you would like to weigh on the scale (or in the measuring
cup) and the weight of the food will be shown on the LCD display.
1. The scale should be placed on a fl at, hard and stable surface.
2. If you prefer using a measuring cup, or another bowl, place it on the
scale before switching on.
3. Pressing
button will activate the weighing mode, wait until
“0” is shown on the LCD display and then select the volume mode, for
example MILK, by pressing the MODE button.
4. Pour the liquid into the measuring cup and press the UNIT button to
set the CUP measuring unit.
5. The LCD display will show the volume of the liquid.
Insert food
Press MODE
Press UNIT
Pour milk