Appendix D: Audio Software Guide
Appendix D: Audio Software Guide
Appendix D: Audio Software Guide
You can use your Echo product with any audio software that supports the standard
Windows audio APIs, WDM Direct KS, ASIO, and GSIF. That’s a lot of audio
software! For most of them, all you need to do is read the software manual to learn
how to use them with your Echo product. We’ll just touch on a few special subjects
ASIO Software
Your Echo product comes with a driver that includes full ASIO 2.0 support.
Help! I don’t see all of my outputs or inputs.
When you run Cubase SX 2, you
may not see some of your outputs. This is probably due to the fact that another
program is using them. The most likely culprit is the Microsoft wavetable
synthesizer, which is being opened by Cubase as a MIDI output device. Exit
Cubase and run the “ASIO Multimedia Setup” program. Click the “Advanced”
button, select “Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth” and unclick the checkbox to
set it as “Inactive”. Run Cubase again.
If your outputs still don’t show up, you may have some other software that’s doing
the same thing. Look in the “Setup MME” program for other programs that may
be grabbing audio outputs or inputs. In addition, see what other audio software
you have running.
Why is my first input monitor always muted when I run Cubase SX 2?
This is
because we support ASIO 2.0 Direct Monitoring. Direct Monitoring gives Cubase
control over the hardware monitors. When Cubase starts up, it uses Direct
Monitoring to mute that monitor.
We realize that this is annoying. As far as we can tell the concept behind Cubase
is that you should have all your monitors muted at first, and then enable them
within Cubase in the Channel Mixer window as you prepare to record tracks, etc.
If you don’t like this behavior, you can always go to “Devices/Device Setup/VST
Multitrack”, click on “Control Panel”, and uncheck the box labeled “Enable ASIO