Installation Manual
ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary
7. Powering-Up
System turn-up is accomplished by applying power via the power supply A and B switches
or the DC Power Distribution Panel circuit breakers.
7.1. Powering-Up
To power-up the 960E.
1. Verify that all of the procedures presented in the installation have been completed and
that the PC Terminal is turned on
2. Turn on the power source. The 960E starts running the cooling fans, initializes the
system, and indicates system statuses on the IPNI LEDs. The duration of system
initialization can take a few minutes.
The cover must be re-installed to ensure proper air flow/cooling and
EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) standards. See section Front Cover
Installation for cover installation procedure.
7.1.1. Powering
There are no special procedures for powering down the 960E. To power down the system,
turn off the A and B power sources.