C. Detail Information
a. Site
Name / Address / Playback Port / Username / Password : Information on registered Site
and Log-in. (refer to 3-Step1 for the detail)
Status : It shows current Archiving status and directly related with Icon on Archiving status of
main screen. It is shown as Connecting, Archiving, Stopped, and etc. and when the progress of
Archiving is not performed or failed, it displays the cause of failure.
Usage : Usage or full capacity of Storage Group used for Archiving.
Period : Full period of data has been archived.
Reschedule : Reschedule the starting point of Archiving data. The way to do is the same as 3-
Step. If new schedule is set, the new schedule will be displayed as shown below.
Storage Manager : Run Storage Manager for the site.
After modifying information about Archiving such as Name, Address, Playback Port, Username,
Password, Overwrite, Reschedule, make sure click Apply button to confirm the changes.