When you enter eBook mode, it will take you to a file selection screen which is
identical to the “Local Folder” option in the Music and Video Modes. Simply tap a
folder to enter it, and tap an eBook to view it.
Once you have selected a file, and are reading it, there are several things you
can do.
Pressing the + button will “turn the page” giving you the next page of text. You
can also place your finger/stylus at the bottom of the screen and slide it up to
advance to the next page
Pressing the – button will go back to the previous page of text. You can also
place your finger/stylus at the top of the screen and slide it down to return to the
previous page.
Pressing the “M” button will bring you to your eBook submenu where you can
add, delete, or select a bookmark. You can also place your finger/stylus on the
right side of your screen and slide it to the left.
Pressing the power button will return you to the file selection screen. You can
also place your finger/stylus on the left and slide it to the right.
Your Eclipse comes equipped with an FM tuner, which allows you to tune in to
your local radio stations.
Tech Note- Please make sure that you connect your headphones before entering
Radio mode, as they will act as an antenna.
When you enter Radio mode, it takes you immediately to your radio playback