Your radio playback screen again looks similar to the music playback screen.
The station you are tuned into is displayed in the middle of the screen, and your
radio begins playing automatically. The icon in the middle of the screen has no
function in radio mode, while tapping the right
or left
arrow icons on the
screen will adjust your station frequency. Tapping the power button allows you to
switch between preset stations.
Pressing the “M” button will take you into your Radio submenu.
Radio Submenu
Your Radio Submenu allows you to set and delete station presets, switch
reception bands and more.
Save- This item allows you to save your current station as a preset. You can
have up to 30 presets saved.
Record- Selecting record will take you to your recording mode. Please refer to
this section for instructions. Please note that this will record directly from the FM
signal and not the microphone.
Delete- This option will delete the current radio preset. If you are not on a preset
station, this has no function.
Delete All- This will delete all saved radio presets.