Auto Search- This will begin scanning through your stations, saving any with a
strong enough signal as a preset. Please note that this WILL override any
presets you have saved.
Normal Band – This is your standard FM band in the US. Stations range from 87
to 108.
Japan Band- This is the standard FM band in Japan and parts of Asia. Stations
range from 76 to 90.
Your Browser mode is a more powerful version of your File selection screen in
the Music, Video, Photo, and eBook modes. You can use the browser mode to
navigate through your different folders and files. Selecting a file that is supported
by the device will automatically open the file in the appropriate mode. For
example if you select a song, it will immediately open the music mode and begin
playing that file. If you selected a picture, photo mode would open and display
the image.
This will allow you to adjust your date and time. Once you enter your
Date and Time settings, tap the + button to highlight the year in blue. Use the
blue up and down arrows on the right hand side of the screen to increase or
decrease the value. Once your year is set appropriately, tap the + button again to
move on to the month, and again use the blue arrows to adjust the value.
Continue doing this with the day, hour, minute, and seconds. Once you are done,
tap the “M” button to save the changes and return to settings.
Auto Dim-
This is a power savings feature which will power down the screen if
the touchscreen and buttons are not in use. You can adjust this item in 5 second