V&T Technologies Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6 Parameter Description
6.11 Control Parameter (Group PA)
Carrier frequency has an important impact on operations of inverter and motor. When carrier frequency
increases, the loss, temperature rise and noise of motor will decrease. If carrier frequency decreases, the
temperature rise of inverter itself as well as the leakage current of motor and its interference with external
radiation will decrease.
PA.01 can be able to determine automatically the most suitable carrier frequency according to the
temperature of inverter.
0: Non-auto adjustment, carrier frequency will not be adjusted automatically according to the temperature
of inverter. Under favorable circumstances as regards ventilation and heat sink, all loads shall operate
with low noise. Set PA.00 with higher carrier frequency and set PA.01 to 0.
1: Auto-adjustment; inverter can adjust automatically carrier frequency through temperature check
according to the weight of load. Maintain continuously reliable operation by keeping operating with low
noise at low loads and controlling the temperature of inverter at heavy load.
The function will be enabled when operating under vector control 1 (when P0.03=0~3).The function will
help the inverter to keep the motor rotational speed constant if loads vary or under heavy loads.
Fig. 6-32 Vector control 1 slip compensation gain
When several inverters drive the same load, the function can distribute the load automatically between
inverters and make them work cooperatively. For example, when some inverters run an assembly line,
this function can be used to balance loads, allocate loads between inverters at different power levels in
proportion to the power, and thus ensure the assembly line operate properly. Each inverter adjusts output
frequency automatically according to its load condition and lifting ratio set by drooping control.
Motor slip
Inverter load
Motor slip
Inverter load
Carrier frequency
0.7 ~ 16.0 kHz(Factory)
Carrier frequency automatic adjustment selection
0 ~ 1(1)
Vector control 1 slip compensation gain
0.0 ~ 300.0 %(100.0%)
Droop control
0.00 ~ 10.00 Hz(0.00Hz)