1 Preface
1.1 Description of the User
Welcome to the Eco Power Equipment CIPR mobile power generator operator's manual. This manual is
designed to assist end-users in utilizing our product for temporary and prime rated power solutions in a
variety of applications. The CIPR generator is an ideal solution for generating power, and is commonly
used on construction job sites, oil and gas job sites, pipelines, events, security, and government or
military operations.
To ensure safe and efficient use, it is crucial that the user is qualified and follows all instructions
contained in this operating manual. This manual will guide the user through deploying and setting up the
CIPR, providing comprehensive instructions for use.
1.2 Conventions Used in This Manual
The following style conventions are used in this document:
Names of product elements, commands, options, programs, processes, services, and utilities names of
interface elements (such windows, dialog boxes, buttons, fields, and menus)
Interface elements the user selects, clicks, presses, or types
Publication titles referenced in text
Emphasis (for example a new term)
System output, such as an error message or script