Turf Pros #1 Top dresser
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Using the Ecolawn Applicator for the First Time
Before using the spreader for the first time, check the oil and gas levels on the engine, the reducer and the
fuel tank. While the spreader has been pre-adjusted for immediate use, some minor adjustments may be
necessary. We recommend the following startup procedure to ensure that the machine is properly adjusted
before use.
Step 1. The spreader's belts are new, so they may not adhere perfectly to the pulleys; they may slip when
the machine is started for the first time until they are properly seated. Before loading the spreader with
substrate, start the engine and let it idle and run it around empty for about 10 minutes to allow the belts to
become seated properly on the pulleys.
Step 2. Fill the hopper to 1/3 capacity (see Page 7, Step 1), then fully run the spreader at this 1/3 level for
the first 3 or 4 loads.
Step 3. Fill the hopper to its maximum capacity (440 lb/200 kg) and begin using the spreader normally.
Step 4. After one hour of use, visually inspect the spreader. Vibrations combined with a heavy load may
cause the nuts and bolts to loosen. Tighten these if necessary.
Step 5. After 8 hours of use, inspect the nuts and bolts again and tighten if necessary.
If some pulleys do not run correctly after these trials, please refer to Ecolawn Application: Troubleshooting
and Adjustments (pages 11-13).