© Copyright 2004 - 2018 The Fire Company Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. V0318
Clearances & Installation
minimum Indoor
clearance (e)
minimum outdoor
clearance (f)
minimum distance to
combustible materials
BK SerieS
1500mm [59.1in]
2000mm [78.7in]
600mm [23.6in]
XL SerieS
1500mm [59.1in]
2000mm [78.7in]
600mm [23.6in]
AB SerieS
1500mm [59.1in]
2000mm [78.7in]
600mm [23.6in]
*WARNING! Fire hazard. The rear wall should be non-combustible.
If it is combustible, you must allow at least 600mm [23.6in] clearance
between the wall and the rear of the EcoSmart Fire.
Fig. 4
Please note that:
- Any furniture items or fittings directly above or beside the Burner
installation must be deemed suitable for heat tolerances by
their manufacturer e.g. electronic items including screens and
entertainment equipment, wallpaper, laminates, veneers, glues and
reconstituted materials.
- A heat reflective panel made of non-combustible material (ideally
stainless steel) must be installed as the surround and top of the
fireplace setting to assist in heat distribution. The Fire Company Pty
Ltd is not liable for any injuries or damages sustained through the
use of panels not manufactured by the fire company Pty Ltd.
- glass or mirrored surfaces near the Burner installation must be
- If inserting a Burner into an existing masonry fireplace, adjust the
damper within the existing fireplace in order to keep the heat from
escaping through the flue.
- In some countries, national or rural restrictions may apply and/
or approvals from building authorities may be required. Please
ensure you contact the appropriate parties before installing your
EcoSmart Fire.
WArning! fire hAZArd. do not PAcK reQuired Air SPAceS,
(the AreA BetWeen the fireBoX And the SPAcer) With
inSuLAtion or other mAteriALS. the Air SPAceS Are needed
to mAintAin ProPer temPerAture Around the fireBoX.
A fire extinguisher is strongly recommended (AB:E in Australia /
ABC in USA).
If installing a fire screen into your setting there must be a 40mm [1.6in]
gap between the burner platform and the under side of the glass
edge to enable air circulation around the burner. this assists with fuel
efficiency, burner temperature and flame quality.
There are many different variations available for installing the Burner.
in all cases, the Burner must be:
- installed into non-combustible material onLy, such as stainless
steel, concrete, brick and stone
- installed after all gas connections or pipelines in the area are
disconnected and made safe by an appropriately qualified and
licensed professional
- Installed and operated in a fixed and secure position before filling,
lighting and operating. Burners are not meant to be moved because
movement creates the risk of accidental fuel spillages. if you move
the Burner, make sure no fuel was spilled before you ignite the
- models from each range (grate/fireplace inserts/designer/outdoor)
have varied installation requirements. Refer to the specific section of
the manual for the detailed requirements of the model purchased.
- mounted into a level surface made of non-combustible materials.
the best location for your ecoSmart fire is:
- in a large, open space at least 1500mm [59.1in] away from any
combustible materials, such as curtains, wallpaper, veneer, etc.
- On a level floor – the floor can be made of any material.
- In a firebox made of non-combustible materials, such as steel,
concrete, brick, or stone.
- Positioned so that any accumulation of weather debris/pooling of
water is eliminated.
- not inStALLed directLy BeSide or neAr WALLPAPer,
LAminAte, Veneer or Any SurfAce thAt hAS not Been
fire rAted (the heAt WiLL imPAct the mAteriAL). refer to
Product SPecificAtion of WALLPAPer, LAminAte, Veneer
or gLue for heAt toLerAnceS.
- installed into a setting that has a straight back – the incorporation of
angled backs alters the aerodynamics of the flame environment and
could lead to an unstable flame behaviour.
- fitted within a top tray that is not more than 200% the size of the
total Burner size. (not applicable in uSA/canada)