+ 44 1256 830099
When cold, the inside of the stove should be given a regular sweep out.
The flue and flue pipe will require cleaning with a suitable chimney brush, to minimise build-up of soot and tar. Your chimney will also
require periodic sweeping. We would suggest using a registered and qualified chimney sweep. If the glass becomes stained from the
inside, the air-wash vent may need opening more during use. The high temperature paint which your stove is finished in should last
many years with normal use, but when it does eventually require re-finishing, black heat resistant paint in spray cans can be purchased
from most hardware stores. W
e would suggest using “Calfire flat black paint”
. Do not use regular paint which is not high temperature
resistant. After prolonged periods of not using the fire, the stove and flue system should be checked for blockages prior to relighting.
We recommend regular servicing and safety checks are carried out by a qualified engineer. There must be no unauthorised
modification of the appliance. Use only replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer.
Baffle Plate Removal
If you have not installed an access hatch into the first length of flue pipe and need to remove the baffle plate to gain access for cleaning,
you can do this by following the below steps.
Remove the vermiculite side fire bricks
Remove the vermiculite baffle brick
When removed you will come to separate folded steel plate. This is held in place with 2 x 10mm nuts. Remove these nuts to
release the baffle.
Replacing the Fire Rope
If your fire rope has become frayed and is no longer making a good contact it will need replacing. To change the rope we suggest
removing the door and laying it flat. To remove the door on the Ottawa Deluxe model you need to lever up the bottom door pin, that
will have a small head on it. When this is removed, the door will drop down and pull away. On the standard version the stove is simply
sat on two pins and will lift up and pull away. When removed you can pull away the old rope and clean out the groove, ensuring it is
free of debris. Make a note of how the rope was laid as this will make laying the new rope easier. When the groove is clean, line it with a
continuous bead of heat resistant rope glue. You can then lay the rope in the groove pressing it as you go and cutting off any excess.
Allow at least 30 minutes for this to dry before re-attaching the door.
Changing glass
To change the glass, you will first need to remove the door.
(See “Replacing the fire rope “ for instructions on removing the door.)
Lay down the door with the handle facing down. Begin removing the small glass clips. When removed you can take the old glass out
and pop the new one in. When in place, ensure it is making good contact with the fire rope. If that has been checked, you can re-attach
the clips and gently pinch them up. Overtightening these clips can cause the glass to break.