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The glass used in all fires is fully approved heat resistant ceramic glass. This glass will not break through heat but can easily break if
struck with a log or similarly hard object. This is why the glass is not covered by any manufacturer of stoves. Common causes for glass
breakages are customers closing the door when a log is still sticking out. Glass will not always break straight away and can be chipped
or weakened. It will then often break at a different time with seemingly no contact. When replacing glass, ensure you only pinch up the
glass clips. If they are over-tightened it could cause the glass to break.
Cloudy, 'milky' or crazed glass is caused by unburned acidic condensates etching the ceramic glass and unfortunately this cannot be
easily removed. It is definitely not faulty glass, but may have more to do with the quality of the fuel that you burn and the way that you
operate your stove (long slumbering). This is less common on wood-only models as it is often caused by the high sulphur content in
some coals. It is, however, possible. If your glass is crazed it does not need changing and is safe to use.
An example of crazed stove glass.