Service Information
Use the recharge keypad to manually advance the valve into each cycle and check correct switch operation,
and observe the valve position indicator.
NOTE: The position switch is closed when the plunger is depressed, open when extended.
While in this diagnostic screen, the following information is available and may be beneficial. This information
is retained by the computer from the first time electrical power is applied to the faceplate.
...Remote: either Installed or Not Installed.
...Days: displays the number of days this faceplate has had electrical power applied.
...Rchg: to show the number of regenerations initiated by this faceplate since power was first applied.
NOTE: This number resets to 0 if the model code is changed.
...Last Rchg: displays the number of days since last recharge.
...Cap: displays numerically the capacity the softener is operating at with 1 lowest and 5 highest.
Press the SELECT/EXIT (
) to exit to the Advanced/Service menu, move cursor up to EXIT and press SE-
) to go to Normal Screen Views.
Manual Initiated Electronic Diagnostics
This check verifies proper operation of the gearmotor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration flow rates, and
other controller functions. Always make the initial checks, and the manual initiated diagnostics first.
1. Press the RECHARGE keypad. Move cursor down to Start Rchg Now and press SELECT/EXIT (
) to start
a recharge. As the EcoWater conditioner enters the fill cycle of regeneration, remove the brinewell cover and,
using a flashlight, observe fill water entering the tank.
a. If water does not enter the tank, look for an obstructed nozzle and venturi, fill flow plug or brine tubing Fig-
ure 14, page 26.
2. After verifying fill, press Recharge keypad to move the valve into brining*. A slow flow of water to the drain
will begin. Verify brine draw from the brine tank by shinning the flashlight into the brinewell and observing a
noticeable drop in the liquid level.
*If the 2ND BACKWASH option is set, the valve will enter backwash and fast rinse before brining, see page
NOTE: Be sure water is in contact with the salt, and not separated by a salt bridge, see page 25.
a. If the unit does not draw brine, check for...
...dirty or defective nozzle and venturi, page 26
...nozzle and venturi not seated on the gasket, or gasket defective
...restriction in valve drain, causing a back-pressure (bends, kinks, elevated too high, etc.), installation step 8
...obstruction in brine valve or brine tubing, Figure 1, page 7
...inner valve failure (obstructed outlet disc, wave washer defective, etc.)
3. Again press Recharge keypad to move the valve into backwash. Look for a fast flow of water from the
drain hose.
a. If flow is slow, check for a plugged top distributor, backwash flow plug or drain hose.
4. Press Recharge keypad to move the valve to fast rinse position. Again look for a fast drain flow. Allow the
unit to rinse for several minutes to flush out any brine that may remain from the brining cycle test.
5. To return the valve to service position, press RECHARGE ONCE AGAIN.