FLI recommends that you follow the run in procedure for the subwoofer detailed below.
• When your subwoofer is used for the first time, naturally like most brand new items it is very stiff and
rigid. It will take time for the moving parts of the subwoofer to loosen up before the subwoofer is ready
to deliver it’s full potential.
• For the first 30 hours it is recommendedthat you play the subwoofer initally at low to medium volumes
and gradually increase the volume as time progresses.
• As a guide if you listen to your subwoofer for one hour every day it will take a month to run.
Gain Control Setting
To correctly set the gain control of the amplifier to match that of the source (headunit) use the following
setup routine:
● Turn the gain control to minimum on the amplifier.
● On the headunit set all crossovers to flat and both bass and treble to zero.
● Turn up the source (headunit) to approx 3/4 volume.
● Very slowly turn up the gain on the amplifier until distortion can be heard in any of the speakers or
until the volume reaches an uncomfortable listening level when this is reached turn down the gain
control slightly.
The gain control is now set.
Crossover Setting
All EDGE active enclosures come with a built in frequency control. This will allow you to set the
frequency at which the crossover filter will take affect.It is variable from 50 Hz - 250 Hz. 50 Hz will
produce only low frequencies, very deep bass. Whilst 250 Hz will produce low and higher punchy bass
frequencies. In the correct set up the bass should not be overly prominent, although some users may
wish to have a bigger bass presence.
To set this correctly follow the following routine:
● Firstly set the gain control correctly as described above.
● Play a known piece of dynamic music through the entire system.
● Use the Frequency Control to blend the frequencies from the subwoofer into the rest of the vehicle so
that the bass coming from the enclosure disappears or blends in with the rest of the car speakers.
The crossover is now set.