Other uses of the management interface include:
A secure way of transferring logging data from the iPrism to a management workstation. When
you configure the iPrism to send you periodic reports or logging information, the information is
transmitted in plain text. This means that anyone with a sniffer attached to your network could
see that data. If you want to make your network extremely secure you can use the management
interface to transfer this data on a secure network.
High Availability. Paired iPrisms use the management interface to keep track of each other's
current running status. Interrupting this link results in a situation where both iPrisms believe the
other is not working, which results in both becoming active at the same time.
For more information on configuring and using the management interface, refer to the
Knowledgebase article “How do I enable the Management Interface?” at
Logging In and Out of iPrism
Logging into iPrism is done via the login page. It is recommended that you bookmark this page.
Within an iPrism session, you can log out via the Logout menu in the top right corner of the page.
Select Logout from the dropdown menu.
Users on shared computers should log out when finished. If they do not, the next person who uses
the machine will be able to access the Internet using the previous user’s profile.
Figure 4. Logging in
Chapter 2 Overview
Administration Guide