background image


Adequate rinsing with physiological saline, as described in the
Technique section, is mandatory before implantation to reduce
the glutaraldehyde concentration. No other solutions, drugs,
chemicals, antibiotics, etc., should ever be added to the
glutaraldehyde or rinse solutions, as irreparable damage to the
leaflet tissue, which may not be apparent under visual
inspection, may result.

5. Precautions

The outside of the jar is not sterile and must not be placed
in the sterile field.

Adequate rinsing with physiological saline must be performed
before implantation to reduce the glutaraldehyde concentration.

Adequate removal of calcium deposits from the patient’s
annulus must be performed before implantation to avoid
damage to the delicate prosthetic valve leaflet tissue as a
result of contact with calcium deposits.

Glutaraldehyde may cause irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and
throat, and may also cause skin sensitization. Avoid prolonged
or repeated contact or prolonged breathing of the solution. Use
only with adequate ventilation. In the event of contact,
immediately flush the affected area with water. In the event of
contact with the eyes, seek medical attention. For more
information about glutaraldehyde exposure please refer to
Material Safety Data Sheet available from Edwards Lifesciences.

The Magna bioprosthesis has a unique configuration
designed to fit above the patient annulus or within the
annulus. The surgeon should be familiar with the
recommendations for proper sizing and placement in the
supra-annular or intra-annular position. Refer to the Device
Implantation section (11.3) for further details.

Handle the prosthesis with only Edwards Lifesciences
accessories. Only Edwards Lifesciences sizers should be
used during the selection of the valve size; other sizers may
result in improper valve selection.

When choosing a valve for a given patient, the size, age, and
physical condition of the patient in relation to the size of the
prosthesis must be taken into consideration to minimize the
possibility of obtaining a suboptimal hemodynamic result.
The selection of a valve, however, must ultimately be made
by the physician on an individual basis after carefully
weighing all of the risks and benefits to the patient.

Due to the relative flexibility of the frame, 

care must be

exercised to prevent folding or deformation of the stent


may lead to regurgitation, altered hemodynamics, and/or
leaflet disruption rendering the valve incompetent. In this
regard oversizing must be avoided.

The spacing of the sutures in the remnant of the valvular orifice
and the prosthesis suture ring must be carefully matched to
avoid folding of the leaflets or distortion of the orifice. Edwards
Lifesciences has received reports in which individual mattress
sutures, spanning a distance of 10 to 15 mm, produced a
pursestring effect causing compression of the valve orifice.

When using interrupted sutures, it is important to cut the
sutures close to the knots and to ensure that exposed
suture tails will not come into contact with the leaflet tissue.
Cases have been reported in which bioprostheses
developed severe regurgitation and had to be replaced as a
result of wear due to contact with sutures (Ref. 2).

Unlike rigid mechanical valves, the stent wall is soft and will
not resist needle penetration. Accordingly, extreme care
must be exercised when placing sutures through the sewing
margin to avoid penetration of the side wall of the stent and
possible laceration of the leaflet tissue.

As with all prostheses that have open cages, free struts, or
commissure supports, care must be exercised to avoid
looping or catching a suture around the commissure, which
would interfere with proper valvular function.

The stent of the aortic bioprosthesis is symmetrical, and the
commissure supports (struts) are equally spaced. The
struts should correspond to the remnants of the natural
commissures so as not to obstruct the coronary ostia.

A serial number tag is attached to the sewing ring of each
valve by a suture. This serial number should be checked
against the number on the jar and implantation data card; if
any difference is noted, the valve should be returned
unused. This tag should not be detached from the valve
until implant is imminent. Care should be exercised to avoid
cutting or tearing the suture ring cloth during removal.

Gentle handling is required for all implantable devices. If the
valve is dropped, damaged, or mishandled in any way, it
must not be used for human implantation.

Based on reports in the literature on tissue valves (Refs. 3, 18,
23, 26, 48, 49, & 54), there appears to be increased incidence
of leaflet calcification in patients under the age of 20. When
feasible, repeated intravenous injections containing calcium
should be avoided during the postoperative periods, and
excessive milk or dairy product consumption should be
avoided in children. Animal research studies (Ref. 11) show
that a high systemic calcium level can lead to early calcification. 

6. Adverse Events

6.1 Observed Adverse Events

As with all prosthetic heart valves, serious adverse events,
sometimes leading to death, may be associated with the use of
tissue valves. In addition, adverse events due to individual patient
reaction to an implanted device, or to physical or chemical
changes in the components, particularly those of biological origin,
may occur at varying intervals (hours or days), necessitating
reoperation and replacement of the prosthetic device.

Adverse events associated with the use of Carpentier-Edwards
PERIMOUNT pericardial bioprostheses compiled from the
literature and from reports received through the product
surveillance system in accordance with the United States
(Federal) regulations establishing Good Manufacturing
Practices, section 820.198, include stenosis, regurgitation
through an incompetent valve, perivalvular leak, endocarditis,
hemolysis, thromboembolism, thrombotic obstruction, bleeding

149256001A_EN_ES_PT  16.2.2005  14:30 Uhr  Seite 3

Summary of Contents for 3000TFX PERIMOUNT Magna Aortic

Page 1: ...logy and mechanics of natural heart valves and reported experience with implantation of unstented homografts Refs 5 7 The lightweight wireform frame is made of Elgiloy a corrosion resistant alloy chos...

Page 2: ...ons chemicals antibiotics etc except for the storage solution or sterile physiological saline solution as irreparable damage to the leaflet tissue may result that is not apparent under visual inspecti...

Page 3: ...ression of the valve orifice When using interrupted sutures it is important to cut the sutures close to the knots and to ensure that exposed suture tails will not come into contact with the leaflet ti...

Page 4: ...available on 719 patients requiring isolated aortic valve replacement AVR with the Model 2700 Carpentier Edwards pericardial bioprosthesis with mean follow up of 3 9 years indicate overall actuarial...

Page 5: ...HA functional classification has also been demonstrated postoperatively Forty five percent of the patients are in NYHA Functional Class I at 12 years post implant with the Carpentier Edwards pericardi...

Page 6: ...should contain enough buffered glutaraldehyde storage solution to cover the prosthesis The contents of the jar should be handled in an aseptic manner to prevent contamination Using gloved hand attach...

Page 7: ...recautions Caution Because of the intense temperature and lighting conditions in the operating field the bioprosthesis should be irrigated frequently every 1 to 2 minutes is recommended on both sides...

Page 8: ...ion is not necessary under these circumstances 12 Patient Information 12 1 Registration Information An Implantation Data Card is included in each device package for patient registration After implanta...

Page 9: ...nte en pacientes con ra ces a rticas peque as se ha reducido el di metro de la biopr tesis peric rdica PERIMOUNT Magna de Carpentier Edwards 2 Indicaciones de uso Las v lvulas peric rdicas est n indic...

Page 10: ...entre 2 y 3 meses Transcurrido este per odo se debe suspender el uso de anticoagulantes durante un per odo de 10 d as excepto en aquellos pacientes para los que est indicada una protecci n anticoagula...

Page 11: ...s que contengan calcio en el postoperatorio as como la ingesti n excesiva de leche y derivados l cteos en los ni os Los estudios realizados en animales ref 11 demuestran que la concentraci n elevada d...

Page 12: ...alg n familiar o el m dico de su zona En la tabla 1 se resumen los porcentajes de complicaciones operatorias y postoperatorias en la poblaci n sometida a AVR aislada y a DVR Los porcentajes de complic...

Page 13: ...ds Lifesciences LLC One Edwards Way Irvine CA 92614 5686 EE UU 8 Individualizaci n del tratamiento Los receptores de v lvulas card acas bioprot sicas deber n someterse a terapia de anticoagulaci n exc...

Page 14: ...por s sola del 100 contra todos los posibles contaminantes No se debe intentar volver a esterilizar la biopr tesis peric rdica PERIMOUNT Magna de Carpentier Edwards Precauci n Tanto la v lvula como l...

Page 15: ...i n intra anular se puede utilizar el extremo cil ndrico o de la r plica de la v lvula del calibrador modelo 1130 Para realizar la calibraci n correctamente el calibrador debe estar paralelo al plano...

Page 16: ...olver una v lvula recuperada p ngase en contacto con su especialista local en v lvulas Las v lvulas explantadas deber n colocarse en un fijador histol gico adecuado como formol al 10 o glutaraldeh do...

Page 17: ...tier Edwards foi reduzido para facilitar a implanta o em doentes com ra zes a rticas pequenas 2 Indica es de Utiliza o As v lvulas peric rdicas est o indicadas para utiliza o em doentes que sofram de...

Page 18: ...vulares card acas devem receber uma profilaxia antibi tica adequada durante tratamentos odontol gicos a fim de reduzir o risco de infec o da pr tese Os portadores de pr teses biol gicas valvulares car...

Page 19: ...r ser devolvida sem ser utilizada Esta etiqueta n o dever ser separada da v lvula at imediatamente antes da implanta o Dever se ter cuidado para evitar cortar ou rasgar o tecido do anel de sutura dura...

Page 20: ...tando de dupla substitui o da v lvula DSV com um acompanhamento m dio de 3 7 anos indicam uma taxa actuarial global de sobreviv ncia a 6 anos de 67 2 6 5 Estes dados do grupo de doentes pr aprova o fo...

Page 21: ...doentes que necessitaram de nova opera o explante e a disfun o valvular foi a causa de morte em dois doentes Embora a taxa de sobreviv ncia global dos doentes seja de 45 a 12 anos a taxa de aus ncia d...

Page 22: ...o por parte do cliente ser o considerados como fruto da exposi o a condi es ambientais da responsabilidade do cliente e como tal ser o sujeitos a substitui o a cargo do cliente 10 3 Conserva o As pr t...

Page 23: que o cirurgi o considere necess rias 2 Retirar cirurgicamente as calcifica es do annulus a fim de obter um alojamento adequado do anel de sutura 3 Medir o tamanho do annulus utilizando exclusivame...

Page 24: ...mente a geometria do anel de sutura da v lvula Figura 4b No outro lado do punho existe uma extremidade de r plica da v lvula que reflecte a geometria do anel de sutura da v lvula assim como a altura e...

Page 25: se a utiliza o para os registos hospitalares e do cirurgi o Quando o Registo de Implantes em Doentes receber o cart o ser emitido um cart o de identifica o tamanho carteira que ser enviado ao doent...

Page 26: Medical Books New York 1982 pp 25 34 17 Ferrans V J et al Structural Changes in Glutaraldehyde Treated Porcine Heterografts Used as Substitute Cardiac Valves Am J Cardiol 41 1159 1184 1978 18 Forfa...

Page 27: ...cation of Tissue Heart Valve Prostheses J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 62 5 683 689 and 693 695 1971 48 Relland J et al The Third Generation Carpentier Edwards Bioprosthesis Early Results JACC 6 5 1149 1154...

Page 28: ...5 mm 27 mm 29 mm A Di metro del stent malla 19 21 23 25 27 29 B Di metro interior D I del stent 18 20 22 24 26 28 C Altura del perfil 14 15 16 17 18 19 D Di metro del anillo de sutura externo 24 26 28...

Page 29: ...5 1 0 0 0 8 NA Segunda intervenci n relacionada con la v lvula 0 7 0 1 99 8 0 4 0 0 NA Todas las segundas intervenciones 22 4 1 8 75 4 1 8 34 3 2 3 NA Tromboembolismo relacionado con la v lvula 3 1 1...

Page 30: ...9 2 Velocidad M seg media D E 2 80 0 49 2 56 0 46 2 36 0 42 2 15 0 56 2 09 0 27 2 08 0 1 2 46 0 50 n 12 21 15 7 3 3 61 rango 1 90 3 60 1 90 3 90 1 39 2 86 1 00 2 60 1 90 2 40 2 05 2 10 1 00 3 90 Pico...

Page 31: ...acia grados funcionales de la NYHA modelo 2700 Preoperatorio Postoperatorio Clase funcional NYHA Clase funcional NYHA No I II III IV Expiraci n disponible I 18 19 9 II 140 37 35 15 III 181 48 4 1 72 2...

Page 32: ...icaci n N de incidencias N de incidencias Tromboembolismo Trombo 8 3 0 31 1 45 Endocarditis 0 0 7 0 33 Disfunci n de la v lvula 1 0 37 34 1 60 Fuga perivalvular 1 0 37 4 0 19 Complicaci n por anticoag...

Page 33: ...ra 3 A rtico CP1036 45 Figure 4a Aortic Sizer Figura 4a Calibrador a rtico Figura 4a Medidor A rtico CP1036 33 Figure 1 Aortic Figura 1 A rtica Figura 1 A rtico CP1036 46 CP1036 48 CP1036 47 Figure 2...

Page 34: ...Medi o Intra Anular CP1036 39 CP1036 40 Figure 6b Intra Annular Measurement Figura 6b Calibraci n intra anular Figura 6b Medi o Intra Anular CP1036 32 Figure 6c Intra Annular Placement Figura 6c Coloc...

Page 35: ...vapor o calor vapore o a door stoom of eller t rsteriliseret med nga eller por Vapor Dry Heat la chaleur s che trockener W rme seco calore secco droge warmte torrv rme ou Calor Seco Serial Number Num...

Page 36: LLC One Edwards Way Irvine CA 92614 5686 USA 01 05 149256001 Rev A Copyright 2005 Edwards Lifesciences LLC All rights reserved 149256001A Edwards Lifesciences Services GmbH Edisonstr 6 D 85716 Unte...
