Eelectron Spa
corresponding object in the main area. All objects of the main area are all visible and
reachable by the user at any time.
The “TAB AREA” is made of 3 tabs, identified by a TAB LABEL. Each tab can contain up to
10 objects. This means a total of 30 objects. If a label for an object is defined, this label will
be shown above the corresponding object. Switching between the various tabs is done by
clicking on the label of the corresponding tab. Tabs not containing any objects will not be
displayed. Each TAB is displayed clicking on the corresponding label. Only one tab is
visible at a time.
Also widgets with the TEMPLATE "GENERIC" always the procedure for adding objects is the
same: search the desired objects with the search function and pull them into the sub-object area.
Once done, select functionality, define the label (optional) and, if desired, enable the scheduling
option. The selection of functionality determines where the object is displayed in the WIDGETS:
e.g. an object with the functionality "Display - Value centre" will be displayed in the centre of the
DISPLAY area of the WIDGETS..
For each added object a label can be defined, which will be displayed above the corresponding
object in the WIDGETS.
Attention: If for more than one object the same functionality has been selected, it is
possible that the objects are not being displayed correctly in the VISUALISATION!
Vice versa, it is possible to add the same object several times into the WIDGETS and assign
different functionalities (e.g.: display an object on one side in the DISPLAY AREA as status and on
the other side add it to the MAIN AREA to permit also operation of the object).
The object, which is configured with the functionality "DISPLAY
– VALUE CENTRE", will also
determine the symbol / icon of the WIDGETS
shown inside the VISUALISATION (“BACK-
GROUND", "GRID"); furthermore, also the state of this object will be shown in the reduced widgets,
on the left side of the button intended to open the popup window of the WIDGETS.