If multiple miniature circuit breakers supply dangerous voltages to the device or load,
couple the miniature circuit breakers or label them with a warning, to ensure disconnection
is guaranteed.
Connect bus line with connecting terminal.
DALI devices can be connected to various phase conductors.
Operation in emergency lighting systems
The device can be used in decentrally-powered or in centrally-powered emergency lighting
In decentrally-powered emergency light systems, emergency luminaires with individual batteries
and special DALI devices are used.
Observe the number of DALI devices in the emergency luminaires used.
Emergency lighting systems with a central safety supply are required in buildings larger than
2000 m². Depending on the scope of functions of the system, only the emergency luminaires
are supplied by the central safety supply (Figure 4), or the KNX system and DALI gateway are
also supplied (Figure 5). In the latter case, in emergency operation, the DALI gateway can
transmit the appropriate fault messages to a central system and other DALI gateways in the
Figure 4: Emergency luminaires supplied through a central safety supply
Figure 5: Emergency luminaires, KNX system and DALI gateway supplied through a central
safety supply
Installing the cover
It is necessary to install a cover to protect the bus connection against hazardous voltages in the
connection area.
IC00P01DAL -
DALI gateway