Basic Operations
3.4 Drag Teaching
Drag teaching is different from JOG. An operator can drag the robot to the desired
posture once drag teaching is activated. The starting posture for drag teaching is the same as
that in Cartesian movement.
Operation Steps:
Step 1: Turn the mode switch to Auto and press PWR to turn on the servo.
Step 2: Press the drag teaching switch on the end flange.
Fig. 3-10 Drag Teaching Switch
Step 3: Press the enabling key with the left hand at the back of the teach pendant. The
drag teaching switch indicator turns red and the belt lamp turns green on the end flange.
Step 4: Hold the enabling key and drag the robot as desired.
Fig. 3-11 Drag Teaching
The robot cannot be dragged if the enabling key is
released and the belt lamp on the end flange turns orange.
Step 5: There are 2 ways to terminate drag teaching.
Option 1: Turn the mode switch to T1 or T2.