C-2 Appendix C. Warranty and Disclaimers
Revision 1.00
StormPort 400 Modem Installation Guide
Elastic Networks does not warrant this modem set to be compatible with the
equipment of any particular telephone company. This warranty does not
extend to damage to the product resulting from improper installation or
operation, alteration, or neglect, or abuse, or misuse, fire or natural causes such
as storms or floods after the modem is in your possession.
Elastic Networks shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential
damages, including but not limited to loss, damage, or expense directly or
indirectly arising from the customer's use of or inability to use this modem,
either separately or in combination with other equipment. This paragraph,
however, shall not apply to consequential damages for injury to the person in
the case of modems used or bought for use primarily for personal, family or
household purposes.
This warranty sets forth the entire liability and obligations of Elastic Networks
with respect to breach of war ranty, and the warranties set forth or limited
herein are the sole warranties and are in lieu of all other warranties, ex-pressed
or implied including warranties of fitness for particular purpose and