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EDA-Q995   Detector Programmer


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Verify Time 

The time between successive verify transmissions. On a small system (i.e.
less than 250 heads) this should be set as approximately 7 minutes. On
larger systems this should be set to approximately 14 minutes and the
verify failure time set on the main control panel should be adjusted. The
range is from 1 to 20 minutes

Alarm Verify Time  This is the time in seconds that a device must remain in an alarm condition

before transmitting the fire condition. The default is 2 seconds. It is
recommended that for a detector with a medium sensitivity the default is
used. If the sensitivity is increased then the alarm verification should be
increased to avoid nuisance alarms. The range is from 0 to 10 seconds.


Only required for combined sounder detectors.0 is off 10 is maximium

Sound Area

If sector sounding is used then sounders that are required to sound at the
same time should be programmed in the same area. Units in area 0 will
always sound in an alarm condition.

Mess Format

Should always be set as ‘OLD’ unless analogue devices are used. It is not
recommended that this value be changed as to what the unit was supplied

To Read or Program a Device

Ensure the protection base has been removed from the programmer by lifting the plate
without rotating it. Be careful not to damage the pins.


Remove the base and power link from the detector to be programmed.


Place the detector onto the programming base. Do not rotate the detector. The LED
should face upwards towards the red mark on the programming base. The detector will
initially beep and the LED will continue to flash.


Select the programming screen, if not already selected. A similar screen to figure 3 will
be displayed.

  Unit No.   :0023

             System No. :  04

             Agent No.  :  01
             Sensitivity: MED  

Figure 3.   Programming Screen

5. Press 



 button to read the current values for the detector. It is always

safer to read values before programming a device, as any previously set special values
will remain programmed. However, if programming new detectors, provided that the first
of a batch is read in to the programmer, then subsequent detectors of the same type can
be programmed without first reading the details. If in doubt always read the devices first.
If the device type changes or the programmer is switched off then the next device must
be read into the programmer before altering values and programming. The programmer
will indicate when the information has successfully been read into the programmer.
Failure will also be indicated.


To view the values pressing the 


 keys will cause the screen to scroll up and

down displaying all values.


To change values, select the value to be changed by pressing the 


 keys until the

flashing cursor appears to the right hand side of the value. Either, press 



increment / scroll the value, or, type the required value and press 


.  A description

and range of each option is detailed previously.


If you need to change the verify time or the alarm verify time or any of the other
advanced features, then select 

Advanced M(enu)

 and press 


. You will now be

able to scroll down the screen and view/change the displayed values. To return to the
