Alarm Codes
code: WP current read ADC - fault
Alarm is set if there is detected a fault in the current reading chain on MCB;
incl. ADC conversion.
It´s verified by the current sum of the three motor phases which should be
nearly zero; if the sum is higher than 40mA for longer than 300 ms than the
assumption is that something is wrong.
code: Over temp or Overload
This code has different meaning depending on platform.
DIVA2 specific
Internal warning is set when the internal calculations based on the
measured currents lets expect that the temperature are out of standard
limits (200°C – with 40°C margin due to measurement and calculation
The threshold value for the warning is 200 – 70 (max. ambient temperature
inside the dishwasher) - 10 (activation margin) = 120°C
warning level is
If the warning is set, than the motor is stopped and a new winding
resistance calculation is performed. In this way the real temperature can be
calculated – temp. calculation is based on ref. resistance of motor windings
at 22°C.
- the alarm is set if the value is greater than the threshold 178°C (200
– 22).
rem.: the alarm is reset by MCB after verification procedure with
PB100 specific
Alarm is set if load is 0.68 A for 10 s for the wash pump or 0.55 A for 10 s
for the drain pump.
i5B (i5H)
code: WP/DP current plausibility
Alarm is set if currents are not changing within 2.5 s with less than 0.0275
A for WP.
Alarm is set if currents are not changing within 0.5 s with less than 0.03363
A for DP.
“B” may be displayed as “H” in the 7-segment display
code: DP BLDC motor – abnormal high current detected
Hardware supervising – will be set when abnormal high current of about
0.7 amps are detected.
code: DP BLDC motor – high current SW
Alarm will be set when the current is detected higher than the max allowed
current of 0.550 A
code: DP will not follow / rotor is locked
Alarm will be set when the motor blocked condition is detected during start
of motor and also during the running motor; reasons can be dirt, too high
load, mechanical problems on impeller.
code: DP motor plug connection
Alarm will be set if motor connection is detected wrong based on motor
currents measurements. If currents are inside the thresholds (+/- 22 mA);
debounce is set to 1.6 seconds
This code is also possible if a phase is detached or if a winding inside the
motor is broken.
Technical Support – A.R.
599 79 76 - 53 REV 1.0