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For the pulling down of a tree we recommend using a bar
longer than the diameter of the trunk, so as to be able execute
(see “technical characteristics” for the recommended length
of the bar).
ATTENTION! We advise against operators with less
experience falling trees with a blade shorter than the
diameter of the trunk!
ATTENTION! Most accidents caused by saw
KICKBACK happen during the disbranching
Observe the position of the blade tip during the
cutting of branches in tension.
Keep a stable position. Work from the left side of the trunk,
with the body near the saw. As soon as possible lean all the
weight of the body against the trunk.
• Through the accelerator the carburetor regulates the
number of motor revolutions. The mixing of air and petrol
occurs in the carburetor. This mixing can be controlled. To
be able to better exploit the power of the saw, the
carburetor regulation must be correct.
• The T screw regulates the accelerator position to the
minimum. Screwing clockwise the slower RPMs rise while
turning anticlockwise the lower RPMs are reduced.
ATTENTION! During regulation of the
carburetor pay particular attention to the
moving chain in that it could provoke injuries.
Regulating the carburettor means conforming the engine to
the local climatic conditions, the available petrol and the type
of two-speed engine used.
The carburettor is set up and tested in the factory. Normally it
shouldn’t need any regulation. If the conditions that affect the
working of the carburettor should be such as to require a new
regulation, closely follow the following instructions.
Before executing any regulation, check that the air filter is
clean and that the cylinder is in place.
The regulation of the minimum is executed with the T screw.
If necessary, screw the T clockwise with the motor running
until the chain starts to turn. Then unscrew counter clockwise
until the chain stops. The minimum is correctly regulated
when the motor turns regularly in every position and with a
good margin before the chain starts turning.
In case of doubts or questions contact an authorized
assistance centre.
H. Carburettor
ATTENTION! Never start the saw without the blade, chain or clutch cover.
The clutch can otherwise separate and cause injuries.
ATTENTION! During use and immediately after stopping the engine the silencer
reaches very high temperatures.
Avoid the contact with these waves to avoid burns. Lend the maximum attention
to the danger of fire especially in presence of flammable materials or gases.
ATTENTION! It is advisable to regulate the carburettor at an authorized
assistance centre. The regulation of the carburettor is fundamental and if
executed incorrectly it can seriously damage the unit.
I. Maintenance of safety devices
ATTENTION! Closely follow the maintenance instructions shown in this manual.
During maintenance operations the saw must be turned off. Start the motor only
when a procedure requires it and it follows safety norms.
ATTENTION! Do maintenance checks to safety devices before using the saw. If
the saw doesn’t pass one of the checks shown here do not use it under any
circumstances. Contact an authorized assistance centre listed on the packaging
of the saw.