SOI/DT 2006-01 dmm
599 37 47-13
5.14 Water control (if featured)
The Water Control system is a sensor located in contact
with the base frame. The sensor detects water leaks
inside the machine (not only during normal operation, but
also when the unit is off and plugged in) and starts the
drain pump if a leak occurs.
1. Main
2. 1° Level pressure switch
3. Antiboiling pressure switch AE
4. Drain
5. Interference
6. Water
In some appliances
the base frame is designed to be a container that collects any water leaks that may
occur (from the tub, from a tube or pipe, etc.
. These leaks are directed into an area where a float is
installed. When this float is raised by water, it actuates a microswitch that starts the drain pump. When the
switch is tripped, an alarm is also signalled (if the machine is switched on).