Elektor Fortissimo-100 Power Amplifier Kit
While using the SMPS880RE power supply, the distortion and noise
measurements conducted on the Fortissimo-100 showed that an extra
mains (AC line) filter and a common-mode filter at the output of the
power supply are advantageous to the figures measured. But consider
this: the levels are extremely low and we’re talking about microvolts.
The following plot shows an FFT of 1 kHz at 1 W in an 8-ohm load us-
ing the SMPS800RE as a power supply for the Fortissimo-100 amplifier
built with parts from a kit. The spectrum is essentially clean, right up
130 kHz. Only at higher power levels, the switching frequency is seen
to shift below 130 kHz. In an enclosure, tie the three wires from the
power supply to the amplifier closely together. This will minimize the
risk of magnetic fields interfering with the amplifier. Recommendation:
also clamp on a sufficiently large, split-ferrite core for EMI suppression,
making sure it fits around all three wires to enable it to function as a
common-mode filter.
At the mains side of the SMPS800RE, a small screw terminal for a pow-
er switch is available. If not connected, the power supply won’t start
(the red wire in the photo)! The IEC-type AC power connector is not
soldered yet and can be replaced (remove the two screws) by a 3-way
screw terminal block with 7.5 mm (0.3 inch approx.) lead spacing. Use
a good AC line filter in the side area of the enclosure to connect the
mains through this 3-way screw terminal block.
Follow all safety regulations regarding AC line voltages rele-
vant to your country!
Figure 39. FFT of 1 kHz at 1 W and an 8 Ω load.