User’s Manual
The file format of recordings. Currently only MP3 16kbps is available.
VOX Level:
This setting applies only when the VOX record mode is enabled. Enter a value from 0 – 9. If the
VOX level is set too low, the system becomes too sensitive to line noise, resulting in bogus recordings. If the
VOX level is set too high, the system is more likely to stop recording prematurely. Start with the default value
and make adjustments when necessary.
Stop Delay (ms):
This setting applies only when the VOX record mode is enabled. The Stop Delay specifies
when the recording should stop after losing audio signal. Enter a value measured in milliseconds. If the Stop
Delay is too short, phone calls are more likely to be broken into two or more records. If the Stop Delay is too
long, consecutive phone calls are more likely to be saved as one record if they occur within short intervals.
Typically a value between 3000 to 5000 milliseconds works the best.
Voltage Threshold:
This setting applies only when the Local Phone record mode is enabled. When the line
voltage drops below this value, the channel starts recording. When the line voltage rises above this value, the
recording stops. The default value is 21V.
Ring Interval:
Do not make any changes as these settings are for factory use only.
Record Function:
Disable this function if for some reason you don’t want the channel to record at all.
Work Days:
One character for each day from Sunday to Saturday: “X” = on duty, “
“ = off duty.
Work Hours:
Configure up to 5 periods of work hours, for example: 09:00-12:00, 13:30-18:00.