Users Guide
OSD Function Description (Under Digital Display)
Ite m
Function D e s cription
To increase or de crea se the brightness.
C ontrast
To increase or de crea se the contrast.
To move the screen left or right.
To move the screen upward or d ownward.
O S D Hor P os
To move O S D menu left or right.
O S D Ve r P os
To move O S D menu upward o r downward.
O S D Ba ckground
C hoose between O paq ue or Transluc ent.
User Time out
S e t O S D screen appearing time.
C olor Temp
C hoose between 5000 , 65 00, 7 300, 9500, or User for color
Balance Red .
Gree n
Balance Gre en.
Balance Blue.
Enable or Disable DP M S .
Auto S ource
S ele ct
Adjust auto so urce select betwee n off, low, or hight.
F ree ze F rame
Enable or Disable fre eze frame
Enable zoo m- in func tion
Image S harpne ss
S e t ima ge sharpness from 1 to 5.
S cale M ode
C hoose sca le mod e between fill screen, aspect ra tio, or one
to one
Input S ource
S ele ct
C hoose input so urce between analog RGB, digita l RGB,
compo site vid eo, o r sup er video
Recall F a ctory
Defa ult
S e t to factory default.
Display information on reso lution, refresh rate, and input
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