Use only equipment specifically designed for
oxygen service.
The equipment installed in the flow control and oxygen
distribution system has been carefully selected to meet
strict oxygen compatibility and velocity requirements.
Inappropriate materials of construction increase the
danger of ignition of pipelines and controls. Sizing is just
as important to ensure all velocity restrictions for oxygen
are met. Do not substitute components or equipment
without written approval from Eclipse, Inc.
Maintain oxygen cleanliness at all times.
All equipment and piping in contact with oxygen must be
cleaned to conform to specifications outlined in CGA
Pamphlet G-4.1. Failure to clean components and piping
increases the danger of ignition and fire. Note that even
the cleaning solvent must be removed completely before
the equipment can be placed into service. Maintain
cleanliness during assembly, installation, and repair.
No open flames, smoking, or sparks are permitted
near oxygen equipment.
Since many materials will burn in oxygen, the best method
in preventing fires is to eliminate sources of ignition.
Where oxygen control equipment is being used or where
concentrations of oxygen are greater than 25%, avoid
open flames, sparks, or sources of heat. Never weld on a
pressurized oxygen line. Make sure signs are posted
warning personnel that oxygen is in use.
Do not substitute oxygen for compressed air.
Substituting oxygen for compressed air is dangerous.
Chances are the instrument air equipment is neither
compatible with oxygen, nor cleaned for oxygen service.
Oxygen used to clean off equipment or clothing could
come in contact with a source of ignition (spark, flames, or
other) and ignite. In some cases, the elevated oxygen
levels could linger even after the source has been shut off.
This manual provides information regarding the
use of these burners for their specific design
purpose. Do not deviate from any instructions or
application limits described herein without written
approval from Eclipse
Only qualified personnel, with sufficient mechanical
aptitude and experience with combustion equipment,
should adjust, maintain or troubleshoot any mechanical or
electrical part of this system.
Operator Training
The best safety precaution is an alert and trained
operator. Train new operators thoroughly and have them
demonstrate an adequate understanding of the
equipment and its operation. A regular retraining schedule
should be administered to ensure operators maintain a
high degree of proficiency.
Replacement Parts
Order replacement parts from Eclipse only. All Eclipse
approved valves or switches should carry UL, FM, CSA,
CGA and/or CE approval where applicable