TAU-4M.IP Subscriber gateway
Line State
- physical line state. Line can be in following states:
- the handset is offhook (or subscriber port is disabled), normal work;
- the handset is onhook; a station response signal is output to the line, either a
ringback tone or an error signal, or the line is in a conversation state;
- the phone rings (when an incoming call is received);
- line testing process is launched.
Call State 1, 2
- every subscriber port support up to 2 simultaneous communication sessions. This
field displays the status of the call with the corresponding remote subscriber. Call can be in
following states:
- dialing from a telephone set;
- the call for some reason is strayed, a busy signal is output to the line;
Outgoing Call
- the remote subscriber is being called; a ringback tone is output to the line;
Incoming Call
- an incoming call arrives at the phone port, a ringing tone is output to the
- a conversation connection with the remote subscriber is established;
Oncoming on Hold
- remote subscriber is on hold;
Local on Hold
- local subscriber is put on hold;
Error, hang up
- error tone is output to the line. The error tone is usually issued after the
expiration of the busy tone timeout (configured separately for each line) when you forgot
to hang up the phone.
Remote User 1, 2
- phone number of the remote subscriber of each communication session.
Line Test
- the subscriber line testing process is starting after clicking on the 'Test' button. The
status of the process is indicated by a reverse timer (in the 'Line State' column), which indicates
the remaining test time. Do not launch the test for multiple ports simultaneously. The test
duration is 80 seconds. During the test, the subscriber set is blocked - it will be impossible to make
and receive calls.
At the end of the test, the result can be viewed by clicking on the
button in the 'Test Line'
column. The result is presented in the form of a table and contains the following data:
Test date;
Foreign DC Voltage A (TIP);
Foreign DC Voltage B (RING);
Foreign AC Voltage A (TIP);
Foreign AC Voltage B (RING);
Line supply voltage;
Cross current;
Longitudinal current;
Resistance A (TIP) - B (RING);
Resistance A (TIP) - Ground;
Resistance B (RING) - Ground;
Capacity A (TIP) - B (RING);
Capacity A (TIP) - Ground;
Capacity B (RING) - Ground;
Telephone set
— information on telephone availability