10. Special functions
The heating control has several special functions.
To open the special functions menu press the “PROG” key
until “Sond” is displayed on the LC display. Then release
the “PROG” key again.
The special functions menu can only be opened if the heat
ing control is in the normal operating mode (time and date
displayed on the left side of the display, temperature dis
played on the right side).
The following special functions are available:
CALC Setting the time for the decalcification cycle
°C°F Selecting the temperature unit (°C or °F)
dAt Setting of date and time
CodE Changing the safety code for radio transmission and
setting of codes for new valve operating mecha
nisms, respectively
An A Setting the number of valves controlled by the heat
ing control and extending the system, respectively
SYnC Synchronising the valve operating mechanisms
tESt Testing of radio transmission
StEL Displaying the valve position
tAn Switching between display of desired temperature
and actual temperature
OFFS Setting the offset (this option is only displayed, if
there is more than one valve operating mechanism)
After 30 seconds without anything happening,
programming or special functions will close auto