Proprietary and confidential
– Do not copy or distribute without permission from Emerson Climate Technologies GmbH
Technical Information
The digital "defrost request" output is set to "low" when the defrost request is issued and set to "high"
after the end of the drying phase.
Defrost start using real-time clock
The defrost cycle can be started using a real-time clock. The interval time must be entered in the interval timer
at the start of the defrost cycle.
Defrost synchronization
Defrost can be synchronized by a hardware connection (1-bit BUS on connector J25) or by a supervisor
system. The synchronization mode can be setup using Parameter
Defrost synchronize mode
Hardware connection:
All cabinets in one defrost group are physically connected using a two wire
connection on the
“Synchronized defrost” connector J25 (1-bit BUS logic). As a fall back strategy a
maximum waiting time for releasing the bus by all group members is respected (Parameter
82 Sync.
Delay after defrost
Supervisor system:
The termination logic is handled by a supervisor system which has access to
all cabinets of the group. The grouping must be set up in this system too. By a Modbus write
command (Reg. 545) the defrost is terminated and cooling is restarted. As a fall back strategy a
maximum waiting time for this command is respected (Parameter
82 Sync. Delay after defrost