PACSystems™ RX3i DNP3 Outstation User Manual
Appendix C
June 2020
ESPCPE115 Configuration Example
Appendix C
RSTi-EP EPSCPE115 Configuration
// == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
// CPE115 DNP3 configuration
// == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
// Setup Block for DNP3 Outstation on EPSCPE115
// == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
// Standard Command Block Parameters
// ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ```
mDNP3_Setup[00] := 132; // SvcReq data length, always 132
mDNP3_Setup[01] := 0; // Reserved, always 0
mDNP3_Setup[02] := 0; // Reserved, always 0
mDNP3_Setup[03] := 0; // Reserved, always 0
mDNP3_Setup[04] := 0; // Reserved, always 0
mDNP3_Setup[05] := 0; // Reserved, always 0
// == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
// Outstation Connection Parameters
mDNP3_Setup[06] := 1234; // Outstation command number, always 1234 ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ```
``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ```
mDNP3_Setup[07] := 1; // Number of Channels
mDNP3_Setup[08] := 20000; // DNP3 Port
mDNP3_Setup[09] := 4; // Slave Address
// Unsolicited Parameters
mDNP3_Setup[10] := 1; // Enable Messages
mDNP3_Setup[11] := 5; // Class1,Class2 and Class3 Event Delay
mDNP3_Setup[12] := 5; // Number of Class1,Class2 and Class3 Events
mDNP3_Setup[13] := 3; // Destination Address
//Event Scan Parameters
mDNP3_Setup[14] := 250; // Data Change Scan Period
mDNP3_Setup[15] := 2#0000001000000000;
// [x].1 Send Outstation Restart bit If set, Send Outstation Restart bit
// [x].2 DNP3 Time-Sync required If set, Send DNP3 Time-Sync required bit
// [x].3,4 Link layer Confirmation Mode Specifies when DNP3 Outstation shall ask
// Value: 0x00 - Never, 0x01 - Always, 0x10 - Sometimes Default: 0x00 - Never
// [x].5 Multi-Fragment responses If set, Application layer is not allowed to send Multi-Fragment
// [x].6 Multifragment Confirm If set, Application layer not allow confirmations for Multi
fragment response
// [x].7 Class Mask None If set, Assign Class Mask None to all points during RUN/STOP transition
// [x].8 Unused
// [x].9 Link TimeOut Disconnect If set, disconnect a connection when linklayer times out
// [x].10 Delete Oldest Events If set, Uses Circular Event Buffer by deleting oldest Events
// [x].11 Enable Pointpush Events Local Forced If set, Mark Local Forced Flag for Point Push
// [x].12 Enable Pointpush Event Y2k Ladder If set, Point Push Data Needs a Y2K ladder
// [x].13 Force DI Points to Point Push If set, assign object 01 Points all part of Point Push at
// [x].14 Force DI Points to Point Push If set, assign object 10 Points all part of Point Push at
// [x].15 Force DI Points to Point Push If set, assign object 30 Points all part of Point Push at
// [x].16 Force DI Points to Point Push If set, assign object 40 Points all part of Point Push at
mDNP3_Setup[16] := 0; // Reserved
mDNP3_Setup[17] := 0; //Memory Type for Quality Force
mDNP3_Setup[18] := 0; //Memory Address for Quality Force
mDNP3_Setup[19] := 2048; // Transmit Fragment Size
mDNP3_Setup[20] := 30; // Application Confirm Timeout
mDNP3_Setup[21] := 10; // Unsolicited Confirm Timeout
mDNP3_Setup[22] := 30; // Clock Valid Period
mDNP3_Setup[23] := 30; // DNP3 TCP KeepAlive Time
mDNP3_Setup[24] := 3; // Maximum Retries
mDNP3_Setup[25] := 2; // Confirm Timeout
mDNP3_Setup[26] := 15; // Frame Timeout