22 Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D
4. Press “▲” or “▼” to scroll to the operation page you need.
There are two pages:
Start: BC
Batt: Reconnect
Load: Disconnect
RectTrim: 53.5V
RectLimit: 110%
Rect1: DC On
5. Press "◄" and "►" to select the needed action.
“Start”: The options include “FC”, “BC” and “Test”. If system is not configured with any battery, the control would be
invalid. If there is AC power off alarm, or the busbar voltage is too low, the BC and battery test control will not be
executed by the system. No battery test control can be conducted when the rectifier communication is interrupted.
Finally, after the battery test, the battery management mode will be changed from “Manual” to “Auto” automatically.
“Battery”: The options include “Reconnect” and “Disconnect”. If there is no battery, or there is a battery alarm, the
battery operations will be invalid.
“Load”: The options include “Reconnect” and “Disconnect”.
The following maintenance over the rectifier can be conducted only when the power system is in the FC state.
”RectTrim”: Range: 42V ~ 58V. It can be used to improve the current sharing among rectifiers. Note that the value of
this parameter cannot exceed the over-voltage alarm point, or the parameter will be invalid.
”RectLimit”: Range: 10% ~ 121%.
The maintenance operations over a single rectifier include: “DC ON/OFF”, “AC ON/OFF” and “Reset”. The operation
method is:
1) Use “▲” or ” ▼” to select the rectifier parameter, and “◄” or “►” to change the rectifier serial No. Then press
“ENT” to confirm. The bottom line of the page displays the rectifier ID.
2) Use “▲” or “▼” to move the cursor to the maintenance operation area, and “◄” or “►” to select the value.
If the rectifier voltage is too high, you can select “Reset” to restore the output voltage of that rectifier to normal.
6. There will be prompts as the confirmation of control commands. If the maintenance operation is valid, system will
prompt you press “ENT” to confirm and execute the operation, or “ESC” to abort the operation. Otherwise, system will
prompt you the operation is invalid, and press “ESC” to quit.
Press ENT to run
Other Key Quit
No Maintain!
ESC Quit.
Press “ESC” to return to the menu of higher level.
4.7 Setting System Parameters
Battery parameters are very important, for they are related to the life of battery. Before delivery, the battery
parameters have been initialized. Without any special needs, you only need to reset the battery group number and
battery capacity, and accept the defaults for other parameters.
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual