Section 2 - Overview
Tamper Evident Labels
Product uses holographic tamper evident labels to provide visual
indications in case of an enclosure intrusion attempt. When opening
product packaging inspect the tampering evident labels.
If for any reason one or more tamper-evident label is missing,
appears disrupted, or looks different than the example shown
here, please call Technical Support and avoid using that product.
Active Anti-Tampering System
Product is equipped with always-on active anti-tampering system. If
mechanical intrusion is detected by this system, the Product will be
permanently disabled and all LEDs will blink continuously.
If product indicates "tampered state" (all LEDs blinking) - please
call Technical Support and avoid using that product.
Product Enclosure Warning Label
Product has the following warning sticker on a prominent location
on the product enclosure:
Emerson Tamper Evident Label