ESM-3710-N 77x35
DIN Size
emperature Controller
Instruction Manual. ENG ESM-3710-N 01 V04 07/14
- 4 Digits Display
- NTC Input or
PTC Input or
(Must be determined in order.)
- Adjustable temperature offset
- Operation selection of compressor operates continuously,
stops or operates periodically in case of sensor defect
- Compressor protection delays
- Adjustable internal buzzer according to sensor defect status.
- Password protection for programming section
- Installing parameters using Prokey
- Remote access, data collecting and controlling with Modbus RTU
- Having CE mark according to European Norms
J Type thermocouple Input or,
K Type thermocouple Input or,
2-Wire PT-100 Input or,
2-Wire PT-1000 Input
ON/OFF temperature control
Selectable heating or cooling function
- Selection of operation with hysteresis
- Adjustable temperature offset
- Set value low limit and set value high limit boundaries
77 x 35 DIN Size
Digital , ON / OFF Temperature