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44 ซอยบรมราชชนนี
70 ถนนบรมรำชชนนี แขวงศำลำธรรมสพน์ เขตทวีวัฒนำ กรุงเทพฯ 10170
: 02-888-3472
: 02-888-3258
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Note-1 :
There is internal 33 R
fusible flameproof resistor in 115V
50/60 Hz and 230V
50/60 Hz
There is internal 4R7
fusible flameproof resistor in 24V50/60Hz
Note-2 :
External fuse is recommended
Make sure that the power supply voltage is the same indicated on the
Switch on the power supply only after that all the electrical connections have
been completed.
Supply voltage range must be determined in order. While installing the unit,
supply voltage range must be controlled and appropriate supply voltage must
be applied to the unit. Controlling prevents damages in unit and system and
possible accidents as a result of incorrect supply voltage.
There is no power supply switch on the device. So a power supply switch must
be added to the supply voltage input. In accordance with the safety regulations,
the power supply switch shall bring the identification of the relevant
instrument.Power supply switch shall be easily accessible by the user.
Power switch must be two poled for seperating phase and neutral. On/Off
condition of power switch is very important in electrical connection. On/Off
condition of power switch must be signed for preventing the wrong connection.
If an external fuse is used, it must be on phase connection in
supply input
3.4 Connection of Device Supply Voltage Input