Basic Operations and Input Connections
In general for most audio applications you will be able to select the DA2 V2 USB
Audio device from within the application. Then choose the appropriate drivers,
ASIO, WASAPI or Kernel, you want to use with it.
DSD, DXD and MQA® Audio
1. The DA2 V2 currently supports DSD (DSD64), 2xDSD (DSD128), DXD
and MQA® audio file streaming and conversion over USB. DSD streaming
uses DoP specification.
2. Please make sure that your DA2 V2 has the latest installed firmware and
drivers. If unsure please email support@emmlabs.com with your DA2 V2
serial number and our engineers will be able to tell you if you need to
update your unit.
3. DSD and 2xDSD audio files have the extension DFF and DST. DXD files
(PCM 352 and 384kHz) and MQA® are available in standard filetypes like
WAV or FLAC. You can use any mediaplayer like JRiver, Roon, Audivarna
or a standalone media/network player to play these files to the DA2 V2.
4. Every media player will have specific installation and setup procedures
for enabling DSD, DXD and MQA® file streaming. Please consult its specific
software manual to properly enable these features.
5. Some software/hardware manufacturers also provide quickstart and
software setup guides.
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